Saturday 28 December 2019

"The Science of Giving" and why I decided to apply for a doctoral course / 『寄付の科学』と博士後期課程に出願した理由

This is the book which gave me motivation to apply for a doctoral course.

"The Science of Giving: Experimental Approaches to the Study of Charity"

Edited by Dr. Daniel M. Oppenheimer and Dr. Christopher Y Olivola, this book features many topics on charitable giving from scientific point of view. Before I found this book in Google books, I was at a loss where to start my research on donor satisfaction. In Japan, there were (and are) surprisingly scarce search results about "寄付者満足度(donor satisfaction)". So I was strongly attracted by the article "Model of the Value of Giving to Others Compared to the Value of Having More for Oneself, Implications for Fundraisers Seeking to Maximize Donor Satisfaction" written by Dr. Michal Ann Strahilevitz.

I got an idea from this article that fundraisers can analyse satisfaction of donors by using value functions. For example, law of diminishing marginal utility should be considered when fundraisers accept major gifts. Of course, there are some basic assumptions to apply value functions in a real world setting.

I cannot help reading other articles on charitable/philanthropic giving and thinking about my research questions. Finally I decided to change my career partly and to apply a doctoral course in Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University while working as a fundraiser.

"The Science of Giving: Experimental Approaches to the Study of Charity"


『日本の寄付を科学する 利他のアカデミア入門』の執筆に参加しました

坂本治也先生編著『日本の寄付を科学する 利他のアカデミア入門』のうち、2つの章を執筆しました。 2023年12月8日が出版予定日です。11月27日現在、下記のとおりAmazonから現在予約できる状態になっています。 私は、 第10章 分野によって寄付行動に違いがあるのはなぜか? ...