Charitable giving is an enduring and attractive theme in various disciplines. For classical economists, it is one of anomalies because homo economicus would not make a donation. For behavioral economists, it is one of the best opportunities that they can "nudge" a certain behavior. (For those who would like to apply behavioral economics to charitable giving, I recommend this document by The Behavioral Insight Team. More recently, this article in Stanford Social Innovation Review was highly suggestive) Public economists often view charitable giving as a subject of policy research such as tax deduction. This book contains a comprehensive review of philanthropy from public economics viewpoint by Dr. James Andreoni.
For sociologists, philanthropy and charity are important social act that can be affected by social norms and settings. At the same time, it consequently affects a society by providing social benefits. (I found this article by Dr. Emily Barman that describes contributions of sociologists in philanthropic studies)
Of course, psychologists have contributed our understanding of charitable giving through extensive research on altruism and pro-social behavior.
For practitioners in nonprofit organizations, charitable giving is an important resource of their activity. Based on this fact, nonprofit management scholars also have tried to understand the factors that drive charitable giving. Marketing scientists have also studied this theme such as Cause Related Marketing (CRM) as a part of consumer research. Decision scientists contribute in this field too. In addition, effective philanthropy, venture philanthropy, and social impact studies are making this field more exciting.
Scholars who study law and tax have also contributed in this field by investigating in regulation of fundraising, bequests, tax deduction, gift of securities or land, and so forth.
Finally, I would like to emphasize the future possibility of charitable / philanthropic research in developing countries. Current literature on charitable / philanthropic giving is mainly from developed countries. However, as charity culture grows in developing countries, more needs for marketing studies that focus on each country. Since charitable / philanthropic behavior is affected by social norms and settings, native scholars in each country have more opportunity to conduct effective research on this theme.
Multi-disciplinary, deep and broad, and socially important in future society.
I am completely fascinated by charitable / philanthropic research.
Monthly Report on Charity/Philanthropy Research 寄付研究の月報です。 寄付を、経営科学の観点から考えてみよう!というブログです。 Interested in charitable giving, philanthropic giving, altruism, social marketing, behavioral economics and management science.
『日本の寄付を科学する 利他のアカデミア入門』の執筆に参加しました
坂本治也先生編著『日本の寄付を科学する 利他のアカデミア入門』のうち、2つの章を執筆しました。 2023年12月8日が出版予定日です。11月27日現在、下記のとおりAmazonから現在予約できる状態になっています。 私は、 第10章 分野によって寄付行動に違いがあるのはなぜか? ...
坂本治也先生編著『日本の寄付を科学する 利他のアカデミア入門』のうち、2つの章を執筆しました。 2023年12月8日が出版予定日です。11月27日現在、下記のとおりAmazonから現在予約できる状態になっています。 私は、 第10章 分野によって寄付行動に違いがあるのはなぜか? ...
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COVID-19の影響で寄付募集に取り組むことになる人のために、本記事を執筆することにしました。 (最終更新:2022年10月20日) 私は大学に入った2000年からボランティアベースであしなが学生募金等の寄付募集キャンペーンに携わり、その後企業のマーケティング担当として勤務しな...